This Is Me In VR.COM

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VR ; Putting doctors INTO people with micro 360 cameras.


by Zen @

Everyone who experiences Virtual Reality sees that it is a “game changer”. They quickly understand that it will revolutionize the world in countless ways. TravelTele-Communication , EntertainmentEducationTherapyGamingand so on.

One of things I’m suddenly most excited about is the how it will be applied to the field of medicine. Doctors use VR to perform remote surgery from across the world with robotics. Med Students can study and practice procedures over and over in simulations using Virtual Reality. I’ve even written about how VR may be used for epigenetic manipulation. The future is looking bright.

What piqued my interest enough to want to write about it was that I recently had an amazing CGI Virtual Reality experience where I was in a womb with a growing baby. It was a video on VRideo (avail on GearVR, PSVR, Oculus and VIVE etc…)

It got me thinking… There’s another VR technology on the horizon, 360 photography/ videography. The act of capturing environments in full 360 pano for the purpose of viewing in Virtual Reality goggles. This offers viewers a unique glimpse into another world , as the camera position relative to ground the viewer determines the scale. ( filmed at 7 ft, you are tall, filmed at 6 inches high you are a miniature).


Technology is so amazing that placing a 360 camera (and light source) internally into a human being is now possible. Putting Doctors and FACE TO “FACE” with internal organs! This will offer doctors a whole new way to view internal workings “first hand”. (in these situations, relative scale is governed by the camera size.)

What to expect….. well , one day very soon. (hopefully after some testing and research.) You may be required to undergo a procedure where a camera is placed into you. (endoscopy) On that day, your doctor may be wearing a VR device and be describing what he sees from “inside you”. My suggestion? Ask to take a look yourself, and see yourself from the inside.