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Entertainment Evolution ; TV to AR360VR


by Zen @

The evolution of Communication and entertainment technology. It started long ago when humans first spoke, then began to draw art on walls, and acting out stories for each other to share information. This was rather limited information transition. Fast forward a few thousand years and we have Radio, Digital photography, and YouTube Videos viewable in VR, we’ve come a long way.

As communication technology evolves, so too does the level of complexity. If a picture is worth a thousand words, and a video is made up of thousands of image frames, how much information your brain can absorb is simply staggering.

When Radio hit the world, it had a huge impact. People the world over would “tune in” to their favorite radio show or news event. This was paired with landline audio communication (phones). The arrival of TV into the general public’s home also was very disruptive, it enabled visual displays of commercial products, and live streamed events (such as the moon landing). When the audio system (copper phone lines) adopted image and video transmission it helped build the framework of the internet. This amalgamation of the technologies allowed video to evolve into online platforms like YouTube and live streaming communication programs like Facetime and Skype.

What we are discussing here is MEDIUMS. Methods to distribute and digest MEDIA. Where we are now with Virtual Reality and augmented reality is that world changing moment again. Several things have happened that together will drive this technological push forward. Gyroscopic landscape split-screenmode for one allows a 360 video to be viewed in virtual reality devices. using 360 cameras this allows general content consumers and creators to capture and relive their own moments in time. GLSM enables access to Computer generated (cgi) environments for VR navigation and as GLSM is integrated into standard augmented reality apps, we will see Full Augmented reality become mainstream and available to the masses.

The only limitation to mass consumer adoption at this point, is awareness. This is BREAKING NEWS. The technology is capable of producing the results we want TODAY, and very soon will be able to do much more.

When AR360VR is paired with BioTech, and BioSynth the results may forever change us and the world. There is potential to do great good, I just hope that as we move forward with these new innovations we use caution, and invest a great deal into research and developing safety precautions.